Tuesday 2 April 2013

TUESDAY BLUES - Patrick Watson - 'Adventures in Your Own Backyard'

Do you like Singer/Songwriters, or do you have a unhealthy affection to the sadness, if so you may have a case of the Tuesday Blues....and man flu!

Patrick Watson - 'Adventures in Your Own Backyard' (2012)

Sfw, poor guy, he's really sick, a serious bout of flu has bed ridden him for a few days. Thankfully it isn't the far more grave affliction, 'Man Flu' and he also tells me that he's lost 1/2 a stone...every cloud and all that. So unfortunately he won't be available to provide you with your usual dose of misery, that conch has been passed on to me. And I think I've ruined Christmas already as Sfw's already featured the Canadian singer/songwriter only last month (Step Out) but I think this will certainly cheer him up as it did me. We used to skate when we were younger (I still try) and I always go with the mantra, which a veteran skater told us at the time, 'Old Skate Dogs Never Die'. A mantra that almost unraveled for me the last time I stepped on my board to show my son 'how it's done', losing control of my skate only for it to slam into my shins....hard!

I came across this last week and I was completely captivated by it! Brilliantly edited by Brett Novak, it shows the breathtaking skating of Killian Martin at an eerily derelict water park, Patrick Watson providing the excellent and atmospheric soundtrack (with a hint of Mariachi, good for fans of Calexico).

Thanks to my friend Axal for sending this video last month.

Skate over to Patrick Watson's website here.....
or see some more incredible skills from Killian Martin here.....

Subscribe to the Spotify playlist and read more Tuesday Blues here!


  1. Mesmerising! Brilliant song, brilliant video, it is just the musical medicine that I need - thanks pal

  2. I've never skateboarded in my life (too many left feet for me to take the risk)and the whole phenomenon kind of passed me by. This is a great little film though and the music suits it to perfection, capturing the melancholic air of the dilapidated water park. Good stuff.

    Get well soon Sfw!
