CLASSIC MOVIE SCENE #7 - The Empire Strikes Back, The Asteroid Field - John Williams
Just a classic track that makes a classic scene...This time we join the Empire's war on terror!!
The Asteroid Field - John Williams - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
This week I attended a weight and Balance course to be able to dispatch 777 freighters. Basically what that entails is planning and distributing approx 100 tons of cargo on the aircraft without breaking it. In job terms, as an aircraft dispatcher, it's where you really want be, the Champions League if you will. Ok so maybe not Barcelona and Messi but probably more like FC Bate Borisov and Olekhnovich but Champions League nonetheless. So I thought of doing a post about the galaxy's favourite freighter, The Millenium Falcon.
Don't worry about your Hydro-spanner? Come see some more classic movie scenes!