WHAT A PERFORMANCE! # 1 - Morrissey - 'Everyday is Like Sunday'

Morrissey - 'Everyday is Like Sunday' (Glastonbury 2011)

I saw this today and I just had to share it. A beautiful melancholic song wonderfully performed at this years Glastonbury by the king of moping around, Morrissey. I was a late comer to the genius of The Smiths and Morrissey but I remember how powerful this track was in conveying the images he was singing about. With Morrissey's typical lyrical verve, I felt I was there feeling it with him waiting on that bench for the bombs to fall.

I won't buy a Toyota Prius when I go through my inevitable midlife crisis, I'll grab a sleeping bag and some wellies and go to Glastonbury. I've never been.
