DYLAN COVER # 17 - Bert Jansch - Lily of the West/Auld Triangle(Banks of the Royal Canal)

 Bert Jansch - Lily of the West

This post is in honour of the Great Bert Jansch who passed away earlier this week. He was sometimes known as the Scottish Bob Dylan or even the acoustic Jimi Hendrix, somekind of accolades.  I became a fan of Bert around the time I first heard Dylan in 1964/65 and have remained committed to both ever since.  

I looked long and hard but could not find Bert actually covering a song written by Dylan, however I hope under the circumstances you can accept these two songs which are sung by Dylan on albums. 'Lily of the West' appears on the album 'Dylan' a collection of outtakes released by CBS, when Dylan had a short break with Asylum records. The other is on the excellent 'Boot' 'A Tree with Roots' where Dylan and The Band recorded for fun and the result became known as the L
legendary 'Basement Tapes' (when will CBS release the full Basement Tapes?) and is called 'The Banks of the Royal Canal' or better known as the 'The Auld Triangle'.

 Mean, Moody, Magnificent


Bert Jansch - Lily of the West
Bert Jansch - Auld Triangle/Royal Canal
And a real treat
Bob Dylan - The Banks of the Royal Canal

More Dylan covers? Click here....


Anonymous said…
Beautiful. Both these top Bob's versions for me.
jumprightin said…
"The Auld Triangle" was written by Dominic Behan for his brother Brendan Behan for the play The Quare Fellow.
Joan Baez's version of "The Lily of the West" was well-known before Bob recorded it. Of course Bob had nothing to do with its release on Dylan.

Thanks so much for remembering Bert Jansch
Old Pa's Corner said…
Thanks for that, I have to say I thought the 'Auld Trangle' was an old traditional Irish song.

I like the Baez version of 'Lily', but I like almost everything she does.

'Wikipedia' have informed me that the 'Pogues' have done a version of 'The Auld Triangle' I'm of to search for it. Many thanks again for the comments.