WEDNESDAY CLUB - John Phillips - Topanga Canyon

MIDWEEK CRISIS you're stuck in your room, come to WEDNESDAY CLUB we've got John Phillips, he'll take you to the Long Barn

JOHN PHILLIPS - Topanga Canyon(1970)

I was laying in bed, I had been there for 3 week and was seriously pissed off. I had an operation on my foot and because of diabetes I had a nurse come everyday to administer intravenously strong antibiotics in case of infection. (never once was I offered a bed bath)  I had to stay with my foot up. I decided to ask the nurse if I could drink alcohol and she said yes, in moderation.

In moderation my ass! ha! ha! ha!.

Shellhunter came home from work, it was a beautiful sunny day and I said  'we're going down the pub!'  in my best possible Jimmy Pursey imitation . With the aid of crutches, that is exactly what we did. It was great, I had escaped my room, my tomb. We sat there in the sun and I had more than several beautiful pints of cool lager. Probably one of the best and most memorable sessions I have ever had.

John Phillip's 'Topanga Canyon' was on a Uncut sampler which I was playing in my room at the time and it just blew me away. It must be one of the saddest songs I have ever heard. The tragedy and realisation the he was trapped in the grip of drugs. It was on a re-released album by John (John, The Wolf King of L.A.), which I missed first time round. That was rectified immediately. 
Everyone thought I was smarter
There is a controversial story about John if you want to follow it up. He may have had a long standing affair with his daughter Mackenzie (Nothing to do with me, Mackenzie is my surname). Interested?

For more WEDNESDAY CLUB, take intravenously


Anonymous said…
'The Wolf King of L.A.' is a great record. Oddly, I've been meaning to play it again for a week or so now. You've prompted me to take some action. Cheers! Note how Bob ripped off the cover for 'Desire'.
Old Pa's Corner said…
Yes I was going to mention that....strange! is it a coincidence?...I'm sure these Dylan experts will have an explanation!
Anonymous said…
Definitely intentional.
sfw said…
Nice. Will have to give this a few more listens
flycasual said…
Wish I had been there. Thought it was a pleasant enough song until I actually listened to the lyrics, pretty brutal especially the first few lines....what's he waiting for?