This blog maybe about our favourite songs and memories but it's not just about us. We want to hear from you...what are your favourites? What are you currently listening to? What should we be listening to?
This weeks Guest post is by Brynn!
Radiohead - Kid A
For me, as for many, it was the
Radiohead album that changed everything. I'd always had problems "getting" them before, and as it turned out, what I needed from them was something less accessible rather than more. I went to HMV and bought this album the day it came out solely on the strength of the hype; when I got in the car and put the disc in, from the first notes of 'Everything in Its Right Place' I knew this album was going to be a winner for me. Today, this is still my favourite song on the album, and I listen to it whenever I'm feeling particularly nostalgic for the time around the turn of the century.
I was aware that many fans didn't like Radiohead's new direction, but for me it was something so fresh and different from everything else that was coming out at the time, I couldn't resist it, even if it meant that the 'traditional' Radiohead fans would either have to jump ship or get used to the change. To this day, I think this song has aged well and doesn't have much of the datedness of other songs that came out around the same time. I often throw this album into the shuffle mix when I have friends over, and this song almost always gets a very positive 'oh yes, great tune' reaction when it comes on.