TRACKS OF THE WEEK -10/03/13 - Snapped Ankles, Everything Everything, Steve Mason, Robyn Hitchcock, Josh Weller

Five tracks that were the "Mother" of all songs this week...Got any to share with us?

Snapped Ankles - True Ecology (2013)

The band's name rekindles fond memories of my worst skateboarding injuries whilst the song makes we want to dance like a leaping salmon!? I love it! What a killer bassline, it reminds me of the best the 80's had to offer in terms of that Post Punk/New Wave sound. True Ecology is released on the 25th of March and it is the debut single from the London based band, I can't wait to hear more! The 'Fools' remix (below) is pretty Disco Punk-tastic too!

Get the track via 'Ears Have Eyes Records'

Shell Hunter:-
Everything Everything - Duet (2013)

I thought that Everything Everything were mad as a box of frogs the first time I heard them. I've been creeping back to their latest album time and time again, it's definitely a grower. Duet is what I chose for an addition to my New York playlist and I'm glad I did! Great memories of looking up at the monstrous skyscrapers with LS on our birthday. I didn't realise but a couple members of the band have degrees in Popular Music and decided to form a band after they finished their courses! I bet their teachers are feeling smug now...

London Scouser:-
Steve Mason - Oh My Lord (2013)

It's spring (apparently) and as a result I'm a happy bunny. Steve Mason is back with a new song that is out on Monday 11th with his new album Monkey Minds In The Devil's Time out a week later. This song starts off sounding like Dry The Rain (IMO, which can't be a bad thing) and continues where his last album left off.
Shell Hunter and I had the pleasure of seeing him a couple of years ago in Brighton (click here to read about it) and wanna see him again in London on April 11th, the only catch is OP and OM arrive that day from Spain.
Should we go ??? Readers, you decide

Old Pa's Corner:-
Robyn Hitchcock - Death and Love (2013)

Here is a track from Robyn Hitchcock's new album Love From London (2013). Robyn, like Billy Bragg have become, what I suppose we call British Institutions. Both have new albums out too and both have a massive following of dedicated fans. It is, would you believe Robyn's 19th studio album.

If you close your eyes and open your mind (very psychedelic) you could be listening to John Lennon or something from the sixties. I think this is just great, there are several top tunes on this album and it is getting better with every listen. Check out also Strawberries Dress it was toss up between that and Death and Love

Josh Weller - Lose You (2013)

This is one of my favourite songs of 2013 (so far!).  It's by Josh Weller who is probably most famous for previously dating Paloma Faith.  He's another artist that have been promoted by Communion Records but there is fairly little information about him. I'm really looking forward to hearing more from him as with music this good, he'll should only be known for his music, rather than his ex's!

Download it for free, here!

Checkout previous Tracks of the week here
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The Swede said…
Flycasual. Fond memories of a broken ankle? Now I remember why skateboarding never appealed to me! Very 80's sounding tune. Preferred the original to the remix.

Shell Hunter. Love the album (apart from 'Cough Cough'). Hope you had a fine time in NYC.

London Scouser. What a top man Steve Mason is. I saw The Beta Band a lot, but have yet to catch him in solo mode - I'm jealous. 'All Come Down' is one of my all-time faves and it goes without saying that this is a top tune too. (I'm sure Old Pa & Ma will understand if you go to the gig.)

Old Pa. You know how much I love this guy! You're right about the album being a grower, I'm liking it more with every play.

Sfw.......After your build-up I was looking forward to hearing this, but there's no video there :-(
sfw said…
Mr Swede, thanks for letting me know! Call me Jack Sparrow, I've just put it online myself!
Anonymous said…
Snapped Ankles: Great name and tonight we're gonna party like it's 1981, which is no bad thing. I like.

Everything Everything: Doesn't jump out at me like some of the stuff on their first album but I need to get to listen to their new songs more. Normally I am very very suspicious of anyone who could have a degree in anything like 'popular music' but I'll forgive them because they are good. Makes you wonder what counts as education these days, though.

Steve Mason: No, you need to be good hosts for OP and OM, I say...but what do I know? Not a bad tune but would you give up a night of carousing with OP for it?

Robyn Hitchcock: I was day dreaming the other day and wondering what Syd Barrett might have been doing if he'd not been so unfortunate and I did think he might be Robyn H. or very close but, hearing this, I'm probably wrong. You're spot on with the Lennon comparison. Will need to hear more of his new music but I'm not sure about this.

Josh Weller: Imagine being most well known for dating Paloma Faith. Poor bugger! Pleasant enough but not my bag (man).

Old Pa's Corner said…
FC I like this one and very Factory Records, A Certain Ration and New Order spring to mind
LS Looking forward to this album it is a double I believe so should be some great stuff on it. I would love to go to the concert but somthing tells me I better not....but you guys go for it, I will hit the Wheat.
SH not sure about this one, may improve with more listens. What does a degree in popular music mean...???
SFW this is excellant and as you say will look forwrd to more from him
flycasual said…
SH, EE's track is ok, I think maybe it'll creep up on me. Must try harder!

LS, Excellent stuff I'm all over this album.

Old Pa, This is really good and the description spot on. However I do detect a hint of the Pet Shop Boys Neil Tennant?! Maybe I'm crazy

Sfw, This is excellent and especially love the sax finish.I hope he doesn't ruin any INXS songs too.