R.I.P. - James Gandolfini - Alabama 3 - 'Woke Up This Morning'

I heard on Thursday whilst sitting in the back garden with Shell Hunter that James Gandolfini died of a heart attack. I was gutted and immediately said that we should watch The Sopranos as soon as possible. We were listening to an old compilation on random that we made in 2005 and 20 minutes or so after I'd heard the news, this song came on and I immediately decided that I wanted to write a few words to say goodbye and thanks for some great memorable scenes.

I first remember seeing James Gandolfini getting the shit kicked out of him by Alabama Worley in True Romance. The 'donk' sound of the toilet cistern hitting him on the head still gives me goose pimples.
After that I remember Chili Palmer picking him up by the 'nads and throwing him down a flight of stairs in Get Shorty, but it was okay he was playing a stuntman called The Bear !!!

Then came the part of Tony Soprano and unless you live under a rock (albeit with an internet connection that allows you to read this) then I don't need to say any more.

James Gandolfini RIP


The Swede said…
Heartbreaking news. I follow a few New York based blogs and many of them speak of first-hand encounters with James Gandolfini on the streets of the city, as he walked or cabbed much of the time, preferring not to use limos. All the correspondents are united in praise for him not only as an actor, but also as a person. Tragic. R.I.P.
flycasual said…
Some good scenes and though it's a sad loss, I have to confess, I have never seen the Sopranos. Shock, horror I know but with 86 episodes ahead of me I find it a daunting task, is it really worth it? As for the Alabama 3, well as a result of the success of the show, they'll be set for life. Innit.