COVER NERD! - Will To Power - 'Freebaby'

Do you look back on the 80's with fond memories ??? Maybe this Cover will help. If you have your own memory you wanna share, please contact us and tell us why by clicking here

Will To Power - 'Baby I Love Your Way / Freebird' (1988)

What was your first job ??? Thinking back it seems a million years ago, it was in fact 25. I'd finished school in the June a very young 16 years old and didn't have a scooby what I wanted to do with myself. Throughout the last two years of seniors, I'd planned to do something with languages as I really enjoyed French & German but in order to get into College or 6th form I needed to get at least 4 GCSE grade C or better. Because of this I had set my goals on achieving this in just 4, those being English, Maths and the two languages. Unfortunately when my English teacher gave her prediction for me, she went for an E please Bob !!! Now I wasn't a bad student, and I never expected and E, but now looking back, calling her a 'stupid cow' wasn't my smartest move. As a result my plans to continue on with my education were scuppered, at the time it seemed great.... no more school !!!!

I remember this song being played around this time and I'm not embarrassed to say I loved it and a little part of me still does. At the time I didn't know it was 2 songs. I know that musical purists would have hated the idea of putting two great songs together but I ain't no purist.

As I said earlier I didn't know what I was going to do.
I saw an advert somewhere saying that the local Bejam was looking for part time staff so I went and applied. They gave me the job and initially it was for 2 hours on Tuesday & Thursday evenings. Thankfully they liked what they saw and soon I was working most days. It was great fun and we had some giggles. Food fights with the brussel sprouts and sausage rolls amongst others......the we would put them back in and seal the bag up and sell them at reduced prices !!! Not big and not clever but neither were we and the lucky folks of Feltham got to have cheaper food so it was a win win. As much as I enjoyed it, it didn't seem the career for me, even though my manager told me that I would go far.....I guess if I'd stayed I would have gone to Iceland so he was kind of right !!! Some schoolmates told me they had applied for jobs with Banks and so I thought 'hey I can count too' so I applied for all the big ones. I got interviews with 3 and was offered a job with one. I took it and stayed with them with plenty of good times and a bunch of not so good times.... But that's another story....
Oh and if you're still reading, I think my teacher was dyslexic cos I got a bloody B, but by the time I got my results I was earning £500 per month and decided to stay at the bank.... Regrets ??? I've had a few.

NERD ALERT - Will To Power is a concept that was first thought of by Friedrich Nietzsche, who if I'm honest I only know through Kevin Kline's character Otto in 'A Fish Called Wanda' as he often quoted Nietzsche.

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Old Pa's Corner said…
Very amusing post...hideous cover 'tho. I think I bought some of these brussels
flycasual said…
Eugh....gross, this is surely a crime Cover Nerd. Number #1 in Azerbaijan for 32 weeks!! Made all the better for Ben Stiller's cameo in the video, at least that's something...
London Scouser said…
Hey it was good back in the day !!! Just kidding... But not really...