The Byrds - Chestnut Mare


A Birdie Song

Who's a pretty Boy then?

 THE BYRD'S - Chestnut Mare (1970)

There I was watching the crappy Corrie Omnibus with Old Ma and we heard this strange whistling out side.  We went out to search what on earth it was. Eventually we saw a Cockateil in one of our trees, Our two Yorkies, Dixie and Rafa were barking in panic and excitement, Old Pa was in a panic which just made things worse. Old Ma was screaming at Old Pa to get the dogs away and inside. Laika (our Husky cross) was in full kill mode.

I eventually got the dogs inside. Old Ma called to the bird, offering her hand, it flew on to the gate and she managed to grab it by the tail. The bird squawked in fright and bit her hand ferociously. She had deep bites but did not let go and managed to hold on to it, what a trouper!

The was obviously very tame, it is now in one of Old Ma's spare cages and settling in quite nicely. His provisional name is Nole (Novak Djokovic).

All we need now is a little abandoned Joey to be left on our doorstep, well it is the Australian open next week!! (tennis of course)

The Byrd's Chestnut Mare showcases the great Roger McGuinn at his very best.


Anonymous said…
Lovely birds and my favourite song by The Byrds. Can you teach it to sing ' Feel A Whole Lot Better'?
C said…
Birds, Byrds and a chestnut mare, love them all! I hope Nole is very happy in his new home. We had a baby budgie come down our chimney one year, he was a little sooty, poor thing - he flew straight to me and perched on my head... No idea where he'd escaped from but he'd obviously had quite an adventure!
Old Pa's Corner said…
SB - our Afro Grey parrot whistles Lambada, dont' think that will do some how.
Old Pa's Corner said…
C - tell me you did not name him Sweep!
The Swede said…
Lovely stuff Old Pa. I hope Old Ma's hand is healing well.