DYLAN COVERS #140 Stereophonics - Subterranean Homesick Blues/Positively 4th Street

Kellys in the basement!

 STEREOPHONICS - Subterranean Homsick Blues (2013)

Here we have two Dylan covers from Kelly Jones and the boyos from Wales. I do like Kelly's voice and these are two passable performances. The first one is from a BBC2 radio broadcast on the 2nd March 2013 and the other appears on the Stereophonic's album Performance and Cocktails (2010).
STEREOPHONICS - Positively 4th Street (2010)


Anonymous said…
Old Pa: How I wish The Stereophonics would leave Bob alone. This 'meat and potatoes' plod-rock brings shame on the Valleys. Sorry, just had to say it. Horrible group.
Old Pa's Corner said…
SB - Love it....Welsh Gits!
Anonymous said…
Well, Kelly Jones does have a decent voice, to be fair.
The Swede said…
I have side with Singing Bear on this one I'm afraid. Kelly's voice is so full of potential, but I've never understood the appeal of Stereophonics' music at all.