Old Pa's Corner Best of Latitude 2014 - Natty Bo and the Top Cats, Parquet Courts, Goat

The Tune Doctor Boys taken by Shellhunter

Going last with the Best of choices is a bit difficult as all my favourites have already been mentioned. I have to agree with SFW that Hiss Golden Messenger was my highlight. It was a small stage and the setting was brilliant. They just blew me away. If this is how the week end was going to be like, then I had died and gone to heaven.

Another real highlight was Shellhunters choice of William Oneyebor and the all star band. It was brilliant. The song Atomic Bomb I heard several times on the way to the concert and it stuck in my head the whole time. Definitely my song of the whole weekend.

The Bard had a brilliant outing which I did not expect. He was genuinely enjoying himself and the vibe shone through. Tiniwaren were just great too. The Editors surprised me. I loved their set. Jungle were sensational and are going to be massive. Damien Jurado gave a strange low key set, he had just arrive from Heathrow and had to borrow a guitar and was returning for a flight back to the US after his short 40 min set. Interesting guy 'tho. There were so many highlight. I even enjoyed the thunder and lightning and heavy rain in a perverse sort of way. This would probably be my one and only Festival and I wanted the full experience and got it. Would I go again? well never say never! . A Camper Van would be the answer.

I have chosen 3 acts that were very memorable for different reasons. First up is Natty Bo and the Top Cats. I never heard of them before and it really was an after thought to go and see then in a very small venue. Natty Bo was a star and full of Charisma. Just to here the brass and all the Ska classics was a real buzz. Their version of Rudy brought the house down. An unexpected treat..
My next selection is by a group called Goat from Sweden. Wow what energy and what weird! You never saw any of their faces. I was next to the speakers and it was so loud I must have bled inside. But it proved I was alive and this is what I wanted. I wanted to hear live music. I loved it. They were all Afro/Latin  beats and screaming guitars. Not a great quality video but you will get the idea!
My final choice is Parquet Courts from Brooklyn. They were the last group I actually saw. I was shattered after 4 days. Very little sleep, I am definitely getting to old for this lark. I was very close to them and oh! boy they had attitude and I loved it. One had a bottle of Red wine (ribena) which he 'slogged' every now and again. Another had a bottle of white wine (tizzer). They gave a very fast extremely loud set.  Near the end I was next to the speakers an actually nodded off for a split second. That is how shattered I was. So much walking and little sleep. All these fucking students yapping till almost the dawn. It was as if they were in you bedroom.
It was a great experience. There was so much going on and it was great people watching. I noticed that the 'young' girl fashion was short shorts. I have no problem with that, but you really need the 'ass' to pull it off. There were too many girls with big butts and should never have been wearing them and there were far too many perfect butted girls who were not wearing shorts (shame). I don't get it, they must see 'Little Mix' on TV wearing tiny shorts and they envisage themselves to look like that. Fat Asses!

Finally I only noted one Dylan Cover and that was by First Aid Kit. Hey with a name like that they could be paired with Tune Doctor.


The Swede said…
Glad you made it through to Parquet Courts Old Pa, a band I'd dearly love to see.
(What are you doing in the photo? It looks like you're shuffling an invisible deck of cards! Had it all become too much for you by then?!)
flycasual said…
What a weekend, I was dozing off to the Parquet Courts too! And having the 'students in your bedroom' while they play the best of the Rolling Stones sums it up. Natty Bo was complete serendipity and a definite highlight! What a front man and a fantastic band. I kind of wish I went to see Goat now, as apart from scrambled egg and chorizo for breakfast, I think I needed a to get a bit more psychadelic during the weekend...too middle aged and too straight laced. I went for it the last day mind...one beer at 09h30. Next time? Yes, we'll be more prepared and camper van a definite option, start saving.
London Scouser said…
I agree entirely about Natty Bo... Hearing Ska live and up close was awesome, and Rudi makes me wanna dig out my old Specials albums. I caught a little of Goat and have to admit I'm on the fence with them... maybe a little too weird for me. I would have liked to see Parquet Courts as I like their stuff but I just had to see Kate Tempest