Old Pa's - Best of 2015


Pick any five from about 40 really. But here are five that stick out for me.


RYAN BINGHAM - Nobody Knows My Trouble
Just love the world weary voice and it reminds me of some friends. A good thing.

Love this, what is there not to love?


THE ARCS - Stay In My Corner
Worthy of any Stax catolgue. I'm in your corner lads!


CALEXICO - Falling From The Sky
Bit commercial for them, but sometimes I need commercial!


LERA LYNN - The Only Thing Worth Fighting For
Dark, I like dark!



London Scouser said…
Ryan Bingham - Inoffensive and easy to listen to... He sounds like he would wear a white cowboy hat, and not look (stupid) like I would
Daniel Knox - It's okay, but I wouldn't wanna listen to it often for fear of slitting my wrists... Far to depressing a sound for me
The Arcs - I like the twangy geeeetah and vocally it takes me back to the 70's... Good choice OP
Calexico - One of many great tracks off of their latest great album... It was a contender of mine
Lera Lynn - I haven't seen the 2nd season of True Detective yet, but I will... Her voice reminds me of The Arleens 'Lonely Won't Leave Me Alone' which isn't a bad thing
flycasual said…
Ryan Bingham, What friends are those? If it sounds Country man....evocative, I can just picture going into a bar (without London Scouser's white Stetson) and ordering a whisky, "leave the bottle on the table"

Daniel Knox, one of the things I truly missed about TuneDr was not hearing gems such as these. Very Scott Walker, very atmospheric, very sad but there's hope in there somewhere. Amazing track and my pick of the 5.

The Arcs, great sentiment and retro goodness!

Calexico, It's not a TuneDr best of without a Calexico track or two, top choice from a top album.
Shell Hunter said…
RB - absolutely love this, I totoally got it. Made my B-sides
DK- Totally bizarre, Richard Hawley-esque. I cant get the scene from Trainspotting out of my head. The one where Ewan Mcgreggor dives into the toilet to swim down to retrieve the suppositories.
Arcs - really great retro sound
Calexico - They cant do any wrong for me, EVER
LL - well if its from the true detective soundtrack, I already know I like it. Worthy of Loose Records