SFW - Best of 2015

A momentous year, so much good music, yet so little time

It has been a big year in the Tune Doctor surgery. Due to cuts in the NHS budget and an enforced part-time working policy, we have all reduced our hours. Many of which have been spent listening to nursery rhymes. Thankfully the music keeps on beating.

1) Palace Winter - Menton

Danish Duo Palace Winter became a favourite of the year with this melodic masterpiece. A six minute sound clash of War on Drugs meets Kurt Vile has to be my favourite of the year. Do yourself a favour and add it to your exercise playlist - it might just help shift away those mince pies.

2) Jamie Woon (featuring Willy Mason) - Celebration

An intoxicating blend of smooth (Woon) and gruff (Mason) caught me unaware like a slap in a pub. The album is just as good and made December an even better time to celebrate.

3) Jack Garratt - The Love You're Given

London based Multi-instrumentalist (and sound of 2016 winner) Jack Garratt introduced himself with this glorious track. Smoother than a cashmere codpiece, this should be used by the United Nations to bring peace and love to the world. 

4) Foals - What Went Down

Two years ago it seemed that the Foals ruled the world.  Their combination of melodic indie-pop was a favourite of fans and critics alike. This years release picked up with they left off and gave us a song that encouraged everyone to drive fast. I cannot condone speeding, but this makes you feel like a formula one driver.

5) Au.Ra - Morning

I still do not understand why this band are not huge.  This shoe-gazing jewel left me starring at my converse like a cure fan back in the 80's. From it's drum solo intro, volume controlled guitar and Pixies bass line then add a mix of guitar appegios and dreamy vocals (that sound like Tim Burgess) you have to do yourself a favour and listen to it (again and again).  The pick up around 2.35 gives me goosebumps.


The Swede said…
First I compiled my own year end Top 20, then had a good look around at everyone else's, checking out the promising stuff as I went along. Now, just as I'm patting myself on the back and putting 2015 to bed you pop up with Palace Winter! It's great. How do I not know these guys? Au Ra is none too shabby either and is another one that I'm not familiar with. Looks like I'm not done with 2015 just yet. Happy new year SFW.
sfw said…
Glad you liked Palace Winter and Au.Ra sir. Despite everything being busy for me, there has been some real treats this year. Doing this top 5/20, has rediscovered some gems. Hope 2016 treats you well!
London Scouser said…
Palace Winter - I really get the 'War On Drugs' reference but I don't (consciously) know Kurt Vile... I like this and apologise for not having appreciated it sooner
Jack Garrat - Very good track, your description built it up pretty highly... But rightfully so
Jamie Woon - I like Willy Mason a lot, so it would have to be really bad for me not to like it... It's not, therefore I do like it. I've heard of Jamie Woon, but didn't know what to expect... I ain't disappointed
Foals - Not my Foals #trackoftheyear (Mountain At My Gates was mine) but it's a bloody good 'un nonetheless
Au.Ra - Weirdly I only discovered the 'shoegazing' genre in 2014 through 'Ringo Deathstarr' but loving it as I do, I feel bad... Very Pixies-esque, very good... Thanks butt
flycasual said…
Palace Winter is definitely my pick of the 5, though I'm not so sure it'll help with my squat thrusts. The Medication EP was on heavy rotation at the tail end of 2015, with this my favourite track.

Jamie Woon, another top track featuring another fav in Willy. It's a decent album, I preferred Sharpness and Message.

Foals, excellent track makes we want to headbutt a melon and then throw it!

Jack Garratt, I didn't really dig this track at first. I think it was that voice sample which grated but it has since come through. He definitely has the skills to pay the bills.

Au.Ra, What are you on about? A thoroughly enjoyable track. Windows down, sun out everyting irie!
Old Pa's Corner said…
Palace Winter - Fantastic as you say very War on D
Jamie Woon - interesting, Willy can do no wrong for me
Foals - I like the Foals, don't know about headbutting a melon 'tho
Jack Garratt - that was some build up and it just did not do it for me. Crisus time at the U.N.
Au Ra - This is good too, another top section, but did not get the JG one. Maybe needs another listen
Shell Hunter said…
Palace Winter - Yep, WOD for sure. Such a grower.
Jamie Woon and Willy - a match made in music heaven. Love the brass and the way Willy's voice makes me want to clear my throat. My winner.
Jack Garrett - that operatic voice sample is so memorable. Nice and sparse
Foals - yes, just yessssss
Au.ra - it was you who introduced me to shoe-gaze and this is exactly it. The Pixies bass makes me expect they are going to kick into something any moment. Almost disappointed they don't.
All in all a good selection and I have you to thank for 2/5 of mine!