Lee DeWyze - Blackbird Song


Do you like Singer/Songwriters, or do you have a unhealthy affection to the sadness, if so you may have a case of the Tuesday Blues!

Lee DeWyze - Blackbird Song (2014)
I have recently started watching the The Walking Dead and despite it being about Zombies, I'm hooked.  My wife and I are particularly slow when it comes to watching TV series'.  We'll often view an entire box set of a series (or two) over a weekend to 'get into' a show.  I call it "binge viewing".  It usually happens on a Sunday and like a pair of potheads we'll stash up on cakes, crisps and spend the entire day viewing - we may even stay in our pyjamas. Oh the shame.

Lee DeWyze is a former winner of American Idol who has just released his latest album called Frames.  

If you are a fan of Men with Beards, like the gentle stroking of a six-string, or just a miserable bugger, Subscribe to our Spotify playlist and read more Tuesday Blues here!


Old Pa's Corner said…
Could not get into WD...too much shit and too little what you want to see.....but this is a very good track....love it.